
Soft Condensed Matter group Seminars



Jean-Christophe Geminard Ecole Normale Superieure, France
"Wrinkle formations in axi-symmetrically stretched membranes"
Piotr Kowalczyk Kaneko's Laboratory Physical Chemistry, Chiba University, Japan
"Simulations of Fluids in Nanopores"
Anna Maciołek Institute of Physical Chemistry
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
"Thermodynamic Casimir Effect near the 3He-4He Tricritical Point"
Jan Stecki Institute of Physical Chemistry
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
"New phase transition in fluid bilayer: MD simulation"
Volodymir Babin Institute of Physical Chemistry
Polish Academy of Science, Poland
"Evaporation of a submicrometer droplet"
Alina Ciach Institute of Physical Chemistry
Polish Academy of Science, Poland
"Landau Theory for phase transitions in colloidal systems"
Olgierd Cybulski Institute of Physical Chemistry
Polish Academy of Science, Poland
"Minimization of the entropy production in a process which leads to space partitioning "
Jędrzej Szymański Institute of Physical Chemistry
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
"Diffusion of lysozyme in nonionic surfactant solutions"
Wojciech Goźdź Institute of Physical Chemistry
Polish Academy of Science, Poland
"The influence of external stimuli on conformations of liposoms and polymersomes"
Leszek Rychlewski BioInfoBank Institute, Poznan Poland
"Practical protein structure prediction"
Andrzej Poniewierski Institute of Physical Chemistry
Polish Academy of Science, Poland
"A fundamental-measure density-functional theory for hard convex particles"
Luis Gonzalez MacDowell Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
"Adsorption of Polymers on a Brush: Tuning the Order of the Wetting Transition"
Paweł Jakubczyk Warsaw University, Poland
"Line tension in adsorption at inhomogeneous substrates"
Piotr Garstecki Institute of Physical Chemistry
Polish Academy of Science, Poland
"Bubbles and droplets - multiphase flows in microfluidies"
Piotr Szymczak Warsaw University, Poland
"Microscopic simulations of the dissolution of rock fractures"
Roland Roth Max-Planck Institut fur Metallforschung, Stuttgart, Germany
"On the physics of key and lock systems"